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通过回忆的视角,描述了一个贫穷落魄的作家在纽约一所公寓与女主人公霍丽·格莱特利从相识到分离的过程。清秀俏丽的霍丽来自得克萨斯农村,她经历过人生的颠沛流离,希望能够寻找心中理想的归宿。 然而,谋生的艰难使她沦为了高级伴游女郎,不得不周旋于众多富蒙巨子之间。作家在与霍丽的交往中,渐渐了解了霍丽悲惨的过去,并爱上了她那种乐观、洒脱、自由、无畏的个性。 后来,霍丽为了赚取小费,被关在狱中的黑手党利用,在被警察逮捕后不幸流产,她的未婚夫——英俊富有的南美外交官何塞也离开了她,最终霍丽被迫离开纽约远赴南美寻找新的生活。 扩展资料: 人物介绍 1、霍丽 霍丽·格莱特利年幼时丧失了亲人,和弟弟逃荒求食到道克的农庄,为道克所收留。道克是一个憨厚朴实的庄稼汉,妻子早逝,留下一群孩子,家里无人照应,生活一塌糊涂。过了不久,年方13岁的霍丽,就给道克做了老婆,当了那些比她还大的孩子的“妈妈”。 农庄里的生活艰苦、原始,没有交际,没有娱乐,这些对于道克是再正常不过,但霍丽天性里却有着一些不同的东西。比如说,婚后她唯一的消遣,也是她与众不同的地方,是爱看电影、杂志。 电影、杂志为她提供了外面世界的信息,她开始心情郁闷,喜欢一个人出去乱走,其结果是越走越远,终于有一天,她一去不归,从此再无消息。那时她才15岁。 2、叙述者“我” 卡波特小说的叙述者是个与霍丽为邻的作家,他和霍丽始终保持在亲密朋友的关系上。小说结尾,作家在一个风雨之夕送霍丽到机场,那时他十分清楚,霍丽的梦已经做到了头,没有人再能够挽救她了。他心中对霍丽的那点隐约的爱,变成了此后岁月中同样隐约的叹息。 参考资料来源:百度百科-蒂凡尼的早餐


小说的主人公郝利·戈莱特利是一个生活在纽约的交际花,她的生活中充满了新奇和渴望,形形色色的男人围绕着她,而她巧妙的周转在这样的聚焦之中,游刃有余。    她美貌出众,气质高贵。在她的房间里整日聚集着纽约各界名流,歌舞升平。一次巧妙的邂逅,确切的说是作为邻居的一次无意帮忙,让作家和丢掉大门钥匙的戈莱特利小姐认识了。   一天半夜,晚回家的郝利.戈莱特利小姐为了摆脱男人的纠缠,郝利爬上防火梯,来到作家窗前。两人倾心交谈,郝利觉得作家像自己的哥哥弗雷德,告诉他自己十四岁就已离家。   郝利每星期四都要去监狱探望萨利·托马托。托马托是著名的黑手党党魁,被捕入狱后,在律师帮助下找到郝利,希望她能每周去监狱看他一次,每次给她一百元。郝利同情这个无助的老人,欣然应允,假冒他的侄女,每周去看他。   作家应邀参加郝利家中的聚会,见识了追随在她周围的各色人等。好莱坞的演员代理人愿意包装郝利成为明星,可她任性地放弃了成为大明星的机会,甘愿做纽约社交界的交际花,捕捉任何能够嫁给富豪名流的机会。   作家的一篇小说发表了,他高兴地跑去告诉郝利,两个人一起出去吃饭庆祝,还在郝利的提议下,偷了百货公司的万圣节面具,戴着回家。圣诞节,郝利送给作家一个精致的工艺鸟笼,作家则送给她一个蒂凡尼珠宝店的守护神像章。   某一天,一个古怪神秘的男人在楼下徘徊,并尾随作家。原来他是郝利乡下的丈夫,马医戈莱特利大夫。大夫讲述了郝利的故事。小时候,她和哥哥弗雷德四处流浪,被大夫收留,十四岁,郝利嫁给了丧妻的大夫。虽然生活安定,郝利还是向往外面的大千世界,有一天离家出走。弗雷德参军之后得知郝利的消息,大夫才找到这里。   郝利拒绝和大夫回家,她正梦想着和何塞去巴西生活。哥哥弗雷德阵亡的消息传来,郝利悲痛欲绝。从此她过起家庭主妇的平凡生活,安心为何塞做饭、洗衣,学习葡萄牙语。作家生日那天,郝利带他去骑马,再过一周她就要去巴西了。作家的马突然受惊,郝利将作家救下。当她正在公寓里准备为作家上药的时候,警察突然闯进来,逮捕了她。   郝利涉嫌为黑手党党魁传递消息,在作家、乔·贝尔、O.J.贝尔曼的帮助下,她得以获得保释。这时何塞已经弃她而去。刚刚走出监狱的郝利却坚持要按时坐飞机去巴西。无奈,作家和乔·贝尔帮助她逃离了纽约……


加涅把人类的学习分为八个层次: 一是信号学习。这是最低级层次的学习。"无论在普通家畜方面或在人类方面,对于信号学习普遍都是熟悉的。" 二是刺激一一反应学习。加涅认为,这一层次的学习相似于桑代克的"尝试错误学习"和斯金纳的"操作性学习"。它只涉及一个刺激与一个反应之间的单个联络;而且剌激与反应是统一地联结在一起的。 三是连锁学习。这是一种成系列的单个"S-R"的结合的 学习。有些连锁学习是由肌肉反应组成的,而有些连锁学习完全是言语的。 四是言语联结学习。这是指语言学习中言语的连锁化,包括字词形声义的联想和言语顺序的学习。 五是辨别学习。这是指学习者对某一特别集合中的不同的成份作出不同的反应的学习。 六是概念学习。这是指对事物的共同特征进行反应的学习。 其中有些概念可以通过学习者与环境的直接接触来获得,但有些概念则要运用语言对事物进行分类、归纳和概括才能获得。 七是原理(规则)学习。这是对概念间关系的认识或理解。例如,从 对"圆的东西"和"滚动"两个概念间关系的认识中得出"圆的东西会滚动"的规则。 八是解决问题学习。这是规则学习的一个自然的扩大,是一种"高级规则"的学习。 扩展资料: 一、学习结果 加涅认为,人类的学习有五类结果,表现为五种不同的能力,即言语信息、智力技能、认知策略、运动技能和态度。 一是言语信息。加涅认为,这是一种学习者表述观念的能力。之所以称为"言语信息",是因为"信息是言语的,或者说得比较明确些,信息是可以表达的"。 二是智慧技能。加涅认为,这是学习者使利用符号成为可能的能力咱例如,读写算是低年级儿童所学习的利用符号的基本种类,随着学习的进展,他们就会以比较复杂的方式来利用符号。智慧技能并不是单一形式,它有层次性,由简单到复杂,包括四层次:辨别,概念,规则,高级规则。 三是认知策略。加涅认为,这是学习者用来调节他自己内部注意、学习、记忆与思维过程的能力。认知策略可以应用于任何科目的学习。 四是运动技能。加涅认为,这是学习者学习由许多有组织者的肌肉运动所形成的综合活动的能力。运动技能不是指个别的动作,而是强调动作的完整性和统一性。 五是态度。加涅认为,这是影响个人选择行动的内部状态。 在他看来,人的行动是受态度影响的,但态度又是人的动作的结果。 二、学习过程 每一类学习中都蕴藏着前一类的学习。在加涅看来,任何一个学习过程也是有层次性的,都是由一个个具体的学习阶段构成的。他把学习过程依次分为八个阶段: 动机阶段:一定的学习情境成为学习行为的诱因,激发个体的学习活动,在这个阶段要引发学生对达到学习目标的心理预期. 领会阶段:也称了解阶段,在这个阶段中,教学的措施要引起学生的注意,提供刺激,引导注意,使刺激情境的具体特点能被学生有选择的知觉到. 获得阶段:这个阶段起着编码的作用,即对选择的信息进行加工,将短时记忆转化为长时记忆的持久状态. 保持阶段:获得的信息经过复述、强化之后,以一定的形式(表象或概念)在长时记忆中永久地保存下去。 回忆阶段:这一阶段为检索过程,也就是寻找储存的知识,使其复活的过程。 概括阶段:把已经获得的知识和技能应用于新的情境之中,这一阶段涉及到学习的迁移问题。 操作阶段:也叫作业阶段。在此阶段,教学的大部分是提供应用知识的时机,使学生显示出学习的效果,并且同时为下阶段的反馈做好准备。 反馈阶段:学习者因完成了新的作业并意识到自己已达到了预期目标,从而使学习动机得到强化。加涅认为:“值得注意的是强化主宰着人类的学习,因为学习动机阶段所建立的预期,此刻在反馈阶段得到了证实。” 参考资料来源:百度百科-加涅


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Holly Golightly: But I am mad about Jose. I honestly think I'd give up smoking if he asked me.
Mag Wildwood: You know what's gonna happen to you? I am gonna march you over to the zoo and feed you to the yak.
Holly Golightly: I've got to do something about the way I look. I mean a girl just can't go to Sing Sing with a green face.
Holly Golightly: How do I look?
Paul Varjak: Very good. I must say, I'm amazed.
[first lines]
Sid Arbuck: [seeing Holly enter her building] Hey!
[he chases her inside]
Sid Arbuck: Hey, baby, what's going on here?
Holly Golightly: Oh, hi!
[last lines]
Holly Golightly: Cat! Cat! Oh, Cat... ohh...
Holly Golightly: He's all right! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.
Paul Varjak: Tiffany's? You mean the jewelry store.
Holly Golightly: That's right. I'm just CRAZY about Tiffany's!
Holly Golightly: I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other.
Holly Golightly: Oh, golly gee damn!
Holly Golightly: I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?
Paul Varjak: In a minute.
2e Holly Golightly fd1 : I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?
Paul Varjak: Yeah.
Holly Golightly: Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?
Paul Varjak: Yes.
Holly Golightly: Thursday! It can't be! It's too gruesome!
Paul Varjak: What's so gruesome about Thursday?
Holly Golightly: Nothing, except I can never remember when it's coming up.
Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds?
Paul Varjak: The mean reds, you mean like the blues?
Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?
Paul Varjak: Sure.
Holly Golightly: Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!
Holly Golightly: There you are, you sneak!
Mr. Yunioshi: Miss Gorightry!
Holly Golightly: You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels.
Holly Golightly: Timber!
Holly Golightly: Mag Wildwood. She's a model, believe it or not, and a thumping bore.
Paul Varjak: You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.
[Takes out the ring and throws it in Holly's lap]
Paul Varjak: Here. I've been carrying this thing around for months. I don't want it anymore.
Holly Golightly: We're alike, me and cat. A couple of poor nameless slobs.
Holly Golightly: It should take you exactly four seconds to cross from here to that door. I'll give you two.
Paul Varjak: I don't think I've ever drunk champagne before breakfast before. With breakfast on several occasions, but never before, before.
2e Holly Golightly ef4 : 's alright. It's only me.
Paul Varjak: Uh... Now wait a minute, Miss... uh...
Holly Golightly: Golightly. Holly Golightly. I live downstairs. We met this morning, remember?
Paul Varjak: Yeah.
Paul Varjak: Sing Sing?
Holly Golightly: [she gargles] . Yes. I always thought it was a ridiculous name for a prison. Sing Sing, I mean. Sounds more like it should be an opera house or something.
[Holly whistles loudly to hail a cab]
Paul Varjak: I never could do that.
Holly Golightly: 's easy.
Holly Golightly: [drunk] As Miss Golightly was saying before she was most rudely interrupted...
Paul Varjak: Holly, you're drunk.
Holly Golightly: True.
Paul Varjak: [giving his name at the police station] Paul Varjak. Varjak, V A R J A K. I'm a writer, W R I T E R.
O.J. Berman: Hey, Fred-baby!
Paul Varjak: No, no. It's Paul-baby.
Paul Varjak: I love you.
Holly Golightly: So what.
Paul Varjak: So what? So plenty!
Paul Varjak: And I always heard people in New York never get to know their neighbors.
Holly Golightly: What do you do, anyway?
Paul Varjak: I'm a writer, I guess.
Holly Golightly: You guess? Don't you know?
Paul Varjak: OK, positive statement. Ringing affirmative. I'm a writer.
Paul Varjak: They're not the kind of stories you can really tell.
Holly Golightly: Too dirty?
Paul Varjak: Yeah, I suppose they're dirty, too, but only incidentally. Mainly they're angry, sensitive, intensely felt, and that dirtiest of all dirty words - promising. Or so said The Times Book Review, October 1, 1956.
Holly Golightly: But just look at the goodies she brought with her.
Paul Varjak: He's all right, I suppose, if you like dark, handsome, rich-looking men with passionate natures and too many teeth.
Holly Golightly: I'm not hotfooting it after Jose, if that's what you think. Ohhh no. As far as I'm concerned he's the future president of nowhere.
Doc Golightly: I love you Lula Mae.
Holly Golightly: 113 I know you do, and that's just the trouble. It's the mistake you always made, Doc, trying to love a wild thing. You were always lugging home wild things. Once it was a hawk with a broken wing... and another time it was a full-grown wildcat with a broken leg. Remember?
c59 Doc Golightly: Lula Mae there's something...
Holly Golightly: You musn't give your heart to a wild thing. The more you do, the stronger they get, until they're strong enough to run into the woods or fly into a tree. And then to a higher tree and then to the sky.
Holly Golightly: Ahh... Do I detect a look of disapproval in your eye?
[spays perfume in Paul's direction]
Holly Golightly: Tough beans buddy, 'cause that's the way it's gonna be.

6,谁有蒂凡尼的早餐 中英双字幕的百度云,免费的,直接发我百度云后采纳你

使用百度网盘免费分享给你,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LSsA07-S5jd7djLqjLKy1g 提取码:ita9 《蒂凡尼的早餐》是由布莱克·爱德华兹执导,奥黛丽·赫本、乔治·佩帕德、帕德里夏·妮尔、巴迪·艾布森、马丁·鲍尔萨姆等主演喜剧片。该片于1961年10月5日在美国上映。该片改编自卡波特1950年出版的同名小说,讲述了农家少女霍莉·戈莱特一心想过上上流社会的生活,但是经历了种种变故,最终在平凡生活中找到幸福的故事。