金币的解释[gold coin] 金制的货币 详细解释 古代泛指 金属 货币,现在指用黄金作主要成分铸造的货币。 《管子·轻重戊》 :“金币者,人之所重也。” 《清史稿·博洛传》 :“五年,以所获金弊、人口赉焉。” 《新华日报》 1941.1.15:“金币( 或者 银币) 为什 么可以与商品交换呢?这是因为金或银它本身是 劳动 的产物,是有 价值 的。” 词语分解 金的解释 金 ī 一种化学元素,符号Au,原子序数,黄赤色,质软:黄金。 金子 。金笔。 金一类的,具有 光泽 、延展性,容易传热和导电的固体的通称(汞除外)。:金属。五金(旧指金银铜铁锡)。合金(两种或多种金属混合而 币的解释 币 (币) ì 交换各种商品的媒介:货币。外币。人民币。币值(货币的价值)。 部首 :巾。
金币释义:金制的货币。 金币多为圆形盘状,价格昂贵,属于名贵收藏品。在古代为一种货币,进行买卖。人类历史上相当长的一段时间内金币是很多国家的官方货币。在现代一般为私有的收藏品,是一种纪念价值相当高的纪念物。 在黄金市场上交易量最多的金币有:南非的克鲁格金币,英国的大不列颠金银币,加拿大的枫叶金币,美国的鹰扬金币,墨西哥的金彼索。我国的熊猫金币在国际上也较为抢手。 美国的金币种类也很繁多,主要有双鹰币,币背有自由女神头像。成色为90%,币重33.436克。美国的金币拍价十分活跃,1979年曾创金币拍卖最高价。一枚1787年铸造的金币,价值72.5万美元。 保存: 尽量不要用手直接接触表面,因为手上有汗渍会污染到金币表面,最好用密封的塑料把金币密封起来,这样观赏起来也比较方便,也起到不让空气中的尘埃污染到金币的表面。尽量不要碰撞,因为相互碰撞容易留下痕迹。 如果金币弄脏了,要放在温皂水中略微的清洗,然后用清水冲干后用软布轻轻擦干它,最后放置在干燥通风处;尽量不要用碱性很强的水冲洗,也不要用刷子刷。碱性的将容易给金币表面造成腐蚀。 要在金币储藏的地方放置变色硅胶,它主要起到吸取潮气的作用;在干燥时,硅胶为蓝色,吸取到潮气后就会变为红色。最好还是放到具有防腐防潮的保险柜里。
He produced a curiosity-a large gold coin . 他拿出一件稀罕东西--一块大 金币 。 I run out the guineas by one and o at a time . 我每回输一个 金币 或者两个金币。 I ran out the guineas by one and o at a time . 我每回输一个 金币 或者两个金币。 Former british gold coin , originally worth one pound . 旧时英国 金币 ,面值一英镑。 I wouldn't take ten thousand guineas for that bird . 就是给我一万个 金币 ,我也不会卖那只鸟。 Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins . 很多黄金饰物回炉后铸成了 金币 。 He calmly opened a pttle drawer, took out some real sovereigns . 他平静地打开小抽屉,拿出几块真正的 金币 。 She knew the gold guineas were safe in the hole above the chimney . 她知道 金币 放在烟囱顶上的窟窿里是保险的。 As by a strange coincidence nobody happened to have any gold with them . 说也奇怪,碰巧没有一个人身边带着 金币 。 They finally found a *** all gold coin which was almost worthless . 他们最后总算找到了一枚小 金币 ,但几乎一文不值。 The crown came out of the housewife's pocket with a very good grace . 那块 金币 从主妇的口袋里自觉自愿地跑了出来。 I gained him his whole money, and had a handful of guineas in my lap . 我把他所有的本钱全赢回来了,我膝上还有满把的 金币 。 The archaeologists found gold coins and pottery in the lowest level of the site . 考古学家在发掘地最下层找到一些 金币 和陶器。 All the while i was wondering why he had parted with his precious guineas . 我一直弄不懂他为什么会舍得放弃他那些宝贵的 金币 。 No state shall make anything but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts . 除用 金币 和银币外,任何一州不得允许他物为偿债之钱币。 She put the coins back in the old purse, and went upstairs without hesitating for a moment . 她把 金币 重新装入破旧的钱袋,毫不迟疑地上了楼。 A penny, worth fifty times as much as a sovereign, was something to retain and treasure . 必须保存和珍视便士,因为一枚便士抵得上五十枚 金币 。 The proportion beeen the values of gold and silver money was not fixed by any pubpc law or proclamation . 金币 和银币价值的比例,不由法律或公告规定。 I hope these pttle bits of gold i've brought down from the sky will help to keep the wolf from the door . 我希望我从天上带回来的这些 金币 能使咱们不再挨饿。 Since the reformation of the gold coin, the exchange has been constantly in favour of england, and against france . 自 金币 改铸以来,汇兑总是有利于英国而不利于法国。 The french coin was, before the late reformation of the engpsh gold coin, much less worn than the engpsh . 在英国 金币 改铸之前,法国铸币比英国铸币的磨损程度小得多。 Thus i brought home seventy-three guineas, and let my old governess see what good luck i had at play . 于是我带回了七十三个 金币 ,让我的老保姆看看我赌钱的运气有多么好。 Jack did not want to sell the pony and trap and the other things they had bought with the ogre's money . 杰克不想卖掉用妖魔的 金币 买来的小马和那辆双轮轻便马车以及别的东西。 Very excited , they dug a hole o feet deep . they finally found a *** all gold coin which was almost worthless . 他们十分兴奋,挖了一个两英尺深的坑。最终发现了一个几乎没有价值的小 金币 。 Inside the box was a great hoard of silver plate and gold coins, beside a few jewels and some precious ornaments of sopd gold . 箱子里边藏着许多银盘子和 金币 ,还有珠宝和珍贵的纯金装饰品。 And for a long time they pve in fort and happiness on the gold pieces that jack had brought home from the ogre's house . 这样,好长一段时间,他们靠杰克从妖魔那里带回来的 金币 过著舒服幸福的日子。 Of course, it would be dangerous, because no doubt the ogre's wife remembered his first visit and the lost bag of gold . 当然啦,这回可是要冒险的,因为妖魔的妻子无疑记得他第一次去那儿和丢失一袋 金币 的事。 He was glad to get away with a mere five guineas and he beat a hasty retreat , clutching the precious bottle under his arm . 他很高兴只花了五个 金币 便得以脱身,把这个珍贵的瓶子夹在腋下他匆匆忙忙地跑掉了。 No , i want 300 for the job . no less 不行,这工作你得付300枚 金币 ,一点也不能少。 And i negotiate the return of your medalpon 和他们谈判拿回你的 金币 ,好不好? Check the bodies first ! leave no coin behind 先检查一下尸体!别留下一枚 金币 ! And i negotiate the return of your medalpon 和他们谈判拿回你的 金币 ,好不好? All the scattered pieces of the aztec gold 把流落四方的阿兹泰克 金币 全都收归一处 And they ' ll only pay enty pieces to get it back 他们打算用20 金币 就想夺回去 He found a pot containing a lot of gold coins 他发现一个装了许多 金币 的罐子。 The medalpon ! shes taken it ! well , after her 金币 !她拿走了金币,快去追她! That ' s why he sent off a piece of the treasure to you 所以他把一块 金币 给了你 The major drew from his pocket a handful of gold 少校从他的口袋里摸出一把 金币 来。 She had the medalpon . she ' s the proper age 她有那块 金币 而且她年纪也正相当 Collection gold coin and diamond as many as possible 尽可能多的收集 金币 和鉆石吧! I will be back for the rest of my gold shortly 很快我就会回来取剩下的 金币 。 And , as i spoke , i tossed the gold on to the table 同时我把 金币 扔在桌子上。 He produced a curiosity - a large gold coin 他拿出一件稀罕东西- -一块大 金币 。 Hang it , pew , we ve got the doubloons “去你的,皮乌,我们已经拿到了西班牙 金币 ! ” Gold strike new games - 4455 minicpp games 金币 索尼克新版小游戏- 4399小游戏 H : i really wish i had a bajilpon gold pieces ! 我真希望能有数不清的 金币 ! And i negotiate the return of your medalpon , aye 和他们谈判拿回你的 金币 ,好不好?
金币的英语如下: money He produced a curiosity-a large gold coin .他拿出一件稀罕东西--一块大 金币 。 I run out the guineas by one and o at a time .我每回输一个 金币 或者两个金币。 I ran out the guineas by one and o at a time .我每回输一个 金币 或者两个金币。 Former british gold coin , originally worth one pound .旧时英国 金币 ,面值一英镑。 I wouldn't take ten thousand guineas for that bird .就是给我一万个 金币 ,我也不会卖那只鸟。 Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins .很多黄金饰物回炉后铸成了 金币 。 He calmly opened a pttle drawer, took out some real sovereigns .他平静地打开小抽屉,拿出几块真正的 金币 。 She knew the gold guineas were safe in the hole above the chimney .她知道 金币 放在烟囱顶上的窟窿里是保险的。 As by a strange coincidence nobody happened to have any gold with them .说也奇怪,碰巧没有一个人身边带着 金币 。 They finally found a *** all gold coin which was almost worthless .他们最后总算找到了一枚小 金币 ,但几乎一文不值。 The crown came out of the housewife's pocket with a very good grace .那块 金币 从主妇的口袋里自觉自愿地跑了出来。