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商务英语考试(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试。是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。商务英语考试(BEC)于1993年由中国教育部考试中心引进中国,历经多年实践和推广,其权威性和规范性使得BEC在中国极具知名度,是求职者有力的语言能力证明。全国有超过60所知名大学被授权为BEC。



1.商务英语口语常用例句   He can't answer the phone right now   他现在没办法接电话。   He's busy now/He's tied up now.   他现在有事。   We apologize for not replying to you earlier.   很抱歉未能尽早给您回信。   Hold on, please.   请别挂断。   Se'll be on the phone soon   她很快就来听电话。   Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%.   如果你方提价百分之二,交易才有可能。    I was assigned to negotiate business with you.   公司委托我和你们具体洽谈业务。    2.怎样学好英语口语   1、勇敢的朗读英语   一直以来,中国人学英语都是“哑巴式英语”,只知道闷头读英语、看英语,却没有好好的对待自己的英语口语。   想要学好英语口语的第一步,就会要敢于开口说英语,大声的朗读英语。千万不要觉得朗读英语没有用处,朗读英语一方面有利于自己有意识的纠正自己得发音,一边还能培养语调。   你也可以在网站上寻找外国英语素材,学习他们的发音与语调,掌握英语朗读的技巧。   2、多种渠道学英语   学习英语并不是只有靠自己靠书本,只要你细心观察就会知道其实还有很多英语学习资源可以利用的。   如果你喜欢看美剧煲粥,那你可以多找一些语速比较慢的家庭剧来看看,学习日常英语口语,还能锻炼自己的听力。   若你喜欢听英语歌曲,也可以多下载有一些轻柔你的曲子平常多听,既可以愉悦身心又可以学习知识,一举两得。除此之外还可以看英语杂志、电子书、新闻,一边增长自己的学识一边练习阅读和口语   3、多开口说英语   学好英语,开口说英语很重要。毕竟我们学习英语是用来运用到实际生活中的,不是摆着看的。   你可以参加附近的英语角活动,多结交几个志同道合的朋友,大家平时多用英语聊天、一起参加英语俱乐部活动、相互帮忙、彼此促进。   或者也可以请一个英语口语外教老师,每天跟老师学习英语,多制造能够使用英语的场合,对你的英语听说读写四个方面都是非常有用的。    3.英语口语有哪些考试   1、英语四六级口语考试。大学英语四、六级考试口语考试是用于测量我国大学生运用英语进行口头交际能力的英语考试。   一年两次,分别在5月和11月。成绩查询时间,分别为每年的八月和二月的中下旬,与笔试成绩一同公布。   2、全国翻译专业资格试(CATTI)。翻译考试资格(水平)考试是根据建立国家职业资格证书制度的精神,在全国实行统一的、面向社会的、国内专业的翻译专业资格(水平)认证。是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定。   3、上海口译考试。上海口译考试项目是上海紧缺人才培训工程重要项目之一,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(PCEC)负责组织实施。   每年的三月、九月组织两期考试。考试项目有英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语中级口译等(先报名参加笔试,笔试合格者再报名参加口试);英语口译基础能力(含笔试和口试)、日语高级口译(口试)。   4、商务英语口语考试。BEC中级的口语考试时间为14分钟,BEC高级的口语考试时间为16分钟。原则上是两人一组进行考试。如果考生人数出现奇数时,最后一组为三人一组进行考试,考试时间相应延长。   BEC口试第一部分为自我介绍部分:在这一部分中,考官会分别向考生提问问题,关于考生的工作、学习和生活。然后,考官会就商务话题,向考生提问1-2个问题。   BEC口试第二部分为话题演讲部分:在这一部分中,考官会分别给每位考生一张问题卡,上面有三个不同的话题,每个话题下又有几个提示点。考生从三个话题中选择一个进行演讲,并回答partner提出的问题。考生演讲前,会有一分钟的准备时间。演讲时间为一分钟。   BEC口试第三部分为话题讨论部分:在这一部分中,考官会向两名考生出示一张问题卡,其中有一个task需要两名考生通过讨论来完成。task下会有几个提示点必须要在讨论中覆盖到。   考生完成讨论后,考官会分别向考生就讨论中的内容进行提问。考生在讨论前有30秒的时间共同看题,讨论时间为3分钟。     4.英语口语学习重点   1、语音学习   学习英语口语不仅要练习发音,还要练习语调、说话的节奏,要抑扬顿挫。首先要学会模仿,然后跟读,这样才能“说”好英语,而不是“读”好英语。   2、掌握词汇   此处所提及的词汇并非指掌握词汇的多少和难度,而是要深入了解每一个词汇的意义和用法。   例如,英美等国的人在交际时常用一些小词和习语,很多单词一词多义,导致使用也比较频繁。因此在掌握词汇时要注重词汇的实用性,对英语口语学习也是有很大的帮助的。   3、句型的使用   句型是指一种语言的典型结构形式。学好英语就是把口语和书面语总结归纳出来的公式而已,那如何熟练地运用这些“公式”呢,无非就是认真地模仿,把它当作一个规则,只要把语法和词汇结合起来,就能熟练地运用这些句型     5.英语口语如何入门   1.注意英语单词的发音   为了更好地学习英语口语,学会英语单词的发音是必不可少的,所以有必要掌握正确的英语音标和英语单词的正确发音,但也需要注意记忆英语单词的正确方法。   2.学习更多的语法   可以在自己最有精神的时候学习1-2个基本语法点,比如主格、语气、宾语和固定语、形式补语的使用等。   理解记忆后,找一些相应的练习来练习巩固。有些语法很难理解的话,可以上网寻找答案,也可以询问身边的朋友。   3.睡前听一些英语材料   我们可以在睡觉前听一些英语材料。有一些人习惯在睡觉前听音乐,我们就可以把英语当作音乐来听。   先听一些简单的句子,接着再听一遍来理解句子的意思。然后慢慢增加难度,听一些关于日常话题的新闻或短文。   一开始听不懂对于我们来说是很正常的,所以一开始才要一句一句地听。当听得多了,我们的英语口语就会有更明显的提高。   4.英语角+英语口语课   你不开口怎么能学好口语呢?一般来说,学校里面都会有一个英语角。在那里可以找人进行英语对话,增强英语口语能力。   但是英语角不是每天都有人聊天,还是找个外教来学口语,网上也有很多的英语听力材料供我们练习口语。




  Be A City Farmer!


A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.

B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high

A: Let’s meet each other half way.

- 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。

- 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。

- 那咱们就各让一步吧。

A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.

B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.

A: I see. Thank you.

- 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。

- 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。

- 我知道了,多谢。





A:I really think if I can get my foot in the door at this company it will do wonders for my career. Do you think you can help me polish my interview style?


B:Sure. Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off.


A:I've researched the company and think I’m perfect for the job but I’m not sure how to get it across to them.


B:Well first you have to have more confidence. Employers look for people who are interested, enthusiastic and sure of themselves.


A:I know I have what it takes but I’m worried that my work experience won’t be sufficient. Should I inflate my experience?


B:No, you should always be upfront and honest about your weaknesses. However by focusing on your strong points and maintaining a positive attitude about your abilities, you can take the attention off your lack of experience. Employers are always impressed by go-getters.



1. I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, please.


2. Just a moment, I’ll check to see if she is at her desk.


3. This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I’m calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday.


4. Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office.


5. I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, could you please repeat the number?


6. Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance.


7. Can I take your name and number and have him get back to you?


8. I’ll have Tony call you first thing tomorrow morning.


 Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value).


We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for 120% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.


Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.


We’d like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods.


I’d like to get a AR insurance policy. That way , we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage.


I’m afraid that WPA coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. Please extend the coverage to include TPND.



1. It’s best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today; she can reach me at my office number, 635-8799.


2. I’m sorry, Mr. Burton, just to confirm, your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N, is that correct?


3. I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3 pm this afternoon.


4. The person you need to speak with is Tony Parker, he makes all the arrangements for our executive accounts.


5. He’ll be out all afternoon, he might not be able to return your call until tomorrow.


The machines are to be unsured against all risks.


We only cover FPA and war risk.


There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage .FPA will be good enough.


Our goods are very valuable , so I want insure against all risks.


For this consignment, we shall cover WPA and risk of breakage for 110% of the invoice value.


Our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice value.


Please insure the electric fans at 120% of the invoice value.




1.商务英语口语的日常用语   1、 Almost every process is computerized.   几乎每一道工艺都是由电脑控制的。   2、 The efficiency is greatly raised, and the intensity of labor is decreased.   工作效率大大地提高了,而劳动强度却降低了。   3、 All products have to go through five checks in the whole process.   所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质检关。   4、 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.   我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。   5、 Therefore, we always put quality as the first consideration.   因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位。   6、 Quality is even more important than quantity.   质量比数量更重要。   7、 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.   我希望这次参观没给你们增添太多的麻烦。   8、 Do we have to wear the helmets?   我们得戴上防护帽吗?   9、 Is the production line fully automatic?   生产线是全自动的吗?   10、 What kind of quality control do you have?   你们用什么办法来控制质量呢? 2.商业英语口语学习难点   在飞速发展的的全球经济互动的呼唤下,商务英语是人们从事商务活动时经常使用的语言,在西方国家通常称Business English。   1、发音、语法掌握不准确。由于单音层面上的音标基础没打好或者来自母语方言的影响,导致学生在英语发音时出现一些障碍。在超音段层面上,节奏、停顿、重音、弱读、语调、语气、连读、同化等往往被忽略,导致发音不能正确表达说话人的感情意思。而且,句子不能是单词的堆砌,要注意时态、人称等易犯语法问题。       2、中西思维差异。不同文化背景、思维方式的人的表达方式是不同的。很多学生在口语交流时,受汉语思维的影响,用汉语思考后翻译成英语,有时还会简单套用汉语的表达习惯,说出Chinglish(中式英语)。结果虽然流利却只有中国人能懂,外国人不知所云。      3、交际能力缺乏。许多学生有十多年的英语学习经历,但是真正要用英语和外国友人交谈的时候,却结结巴巴一句话也说不完整。原因是学生不仅缺乏真实的英语语言环境,而且主要是缺乏口语训练和交际实践。       4、练习不够。练习次数太少,缺乏毅力。其实形成交流障碍的一个最主要原因是我们平时太缺乏练习,或者练习方法不当,做不到持之以恒。    5、商务文化障碍。商务英语作为ESP(English for specific Purposes专门用途英语),包含商务和英语两个方面。在商务英语教学的过程中,发现学生在跨文化交际能力和商务文化意识方面还很欠缺,在与英语本族人进行实际交往中,很容易将自己的母语使用习惯带入跨文化交际,从而引起不同的文化因素发生交叉与碰撞,产生误解和冲突,有时甚至影响商务活动的成功。   6、心理障碍。英语口语练习中出现的心理障碍,不敢开口的具体原因有:有些学生性格内向,不爱说话;有些学生讲英语时,过多考虑语法规则;有些学生口语稍好些,但考虑到同学关系,避免过分表现而减少发言;有些在口语学习中遭受过挫折,形成某种心理障碍。    3.如何练好英语口语   一、创设英语物质环境,提高口语能力   英语物质环境,指在一定时间内对各个活动区域进行环境布置(包括物品摆放、墙壁装饰等)、物质环境的创设应体现教育性与艺术性相结合的原则,要把一切空间和时间都当成孩子受教育的环境,看作是他们主动进行口语表达的地方。物质环境的创设又需要灵活多变,应当与当前孩子学习英语的内容联系起来,这样孩子才会每天都到各个活动区域进行活动。等孩子熟知感兴趣的实物,让这种多姿多彩、直观现实的实际物体在孩子大脑中留下深刻印象,激发孩子口语交流的欲 望,让他们能说的尽量说,说不好的让一起玩的朋友帮他说,在口语表达中的语言错误,我们要持宽容的态度,只要他们的英语表达不影响交际,不要马上纠正他们的语法错误。这样孩子参与英语活动的兴趣才不会受到影响。   二、创设英语人际交往环境,提高口语能力   英语人际交往环境主要指人的因素即在一定时间内,我们在孩子的日常生活和各种活动时,尽量使用英语,给孩子提供更多的接触、模仿英语的机会,对他们起到了潜移默化的作用。   首先在教孩子学英语的各个环节,拓宽口语训练广度,孩子的英语学习几乎离不开大人,他们学习英语的各个环节都要我们安排,我们完全有条件提供一定的语言环境,用英语组织活动。在平时生活的各个环节我们都可以用英语来组织。用英语组织的日常活动形式是非正式的,无需占用正式时间,对孩子英语口语表达来说是自然的,无意识的,潜移默化的习得过程。   其次在游戏中创设环境,增强口语训练力度。要知道游戏是孩子的基本活动,在游戏中学生能自由自在地用不同方式与周围伙伴交往,促进他们语言能力的发展。让每个孩子参与游戏,他们的兴致会特别高涨,并且在轻松愉快的气氛中参与过程,学会了新的句子和单词,练习了英语口语表达能力,并留下了很深的印象。孩子在游戏中体验到了成功的愉悦,这种愉悦感使孩子对英语产生了无止境的渴求,更有利孩子英语口语表达能力的提高。   我们让孩子学英语的目的就是为了更好地运用语言于实际的交际之中。户外活动与大自然接触,户外活动使孩子们进入实际背景之中,孩子们在这里自由自在地去提问,去讨论,不断地练习交往的技能,对他们口语表达来说有很好的作用。因此把大自然看作是一本活教材,作为教育的大课堂,充分利用周围环境,使口语表达更加交际化。    4.常用商务英语口语的重要性   随着世界的发展,现在国际间的交流已经越来越频繁,商务英语也已经受到了大家的重视,尤其是常用商务英语口语。   其实对于常用商务英语口语的学习效果评估是因人而异的。很多人认为我通过英语学习培训,所获得的英语提升帮助的大小是无法通过具体的事务来衡量的。只有您真正的把自己的日常商务英语口语运用到实际的工作当中,您会发现这项能力得到了充分的体现。商务英语口语不仅能够帮助您主持会议,参与公司交易进程,进行商务谈判等一系列的工作。   如果您目前还是一个在外企或者大型商贸公司的小职员,有一颗想要当管理的梦想,那你从现在开始进行常用商务英语口语的学习,这对您后期将会有非常深远的意义。毕竟机会是留给有准备的人,您不能因为目前用不到商务英语口语就不去学习,到了用到的时候再去学习,将会为时已晚。所以对于目前在职人员来说,学习日常商务英语的口语重要性是不言而喻的。建议目前在职工作人员如果有固定的学习时间,可以投入到日常商务英语口语中的学习中来。一方面是结识更多志同道合的朋友,另一方面是真实有效的提高自己的商务办公和商务会话的能力。这对于你后期的工作晋升,以及您的职业规划都有非常大的帮助。   5.面试的常用商务英语口语   Let me tell you about the working conditions. 我来为你说明一下工作条件。   The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 工作时间是早8点到下午5点。   What do you excel in? 你的专长是什么?   What are you good at? 你的强项是什么?   What special skills do you have, can you tell me? 你有什么特殊技能,能告诉我吗?   Can you drive? 你会开车吗?   Do you get any special training in office skills? 你受过办公室技能方面的特殊训练吗?   How fast can you type? 你打字有多快?   Do you have any licenses or certificates? 你有什么执照或资格证书吗?   What certificates of technical qualifications have you   received/obtained?你获得了何种技术资格证书?   Do you have some certifications on computer?你有计算机等级证书吗?   I can type and take shorthand very well. 我打字和速记相当好。   I can type 70 words per minute and I take shorthand at 85 words per minute. 我每分钟可以打70个子,速记85个字。   I can do it quickly and fast. 我可以做的又快又准确。   My typing speed is slow, but I don't make mistakes. 虽然我打字的速度慢,但是却不会出错。   I can write computer programs. 我会计算机编程。   I am well up in programming. 我精通编程。   I am proficient in programming. 我精通编程。



考 网英语口语频道为大家整理的商务英语口语900句:请允许我给您介绍,供大家参考:)
Allow me to introduce~to you.


Dialogue 1

职场生存第一要义:朋友遍天下。不仅要会介绍自己,还要会介绍别人。投桃报李,别人也会介绍你。广交朋友,四海建交,你的业务范围才能不断扩大,合作伙伴才会越来越多。准备好,学会Allow me to introdue~或I would like to introduce~助你走向更广阔的社交圈吧。


A:Mr. Brown,allow me to introduce our business partner John Green.John, this is Mr.Victor Brown, the Managing Director of our company.

B:How do you do? Mr. Green.I have heard a great deal of you.Jack has often talked about you.
你好!格林先生。久仰大名,杰克经常说起你。hear a great deal of sb.久仰大名

A:I'm Fine, thank you, Mr.Brown. I've been looking forward to seeing you in person. Would you mind exchangling a card with me?
我很好,谢谢您,布朗先生。我一直盼望着能够见到您本人。您可以和我交换一下名片吗? look forward to 期待

Of course not.It's a privilege to know you!

The pleasure is mine.


Dialogue 2

A:Let me introduce you to the people in the office.


A:Mr.Wang,this is my assistant,Edward Miller.

B:It's my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Miller.

A:Now I'd like you to meet my secretary,Miss Helen Smith.

C:Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wang.

B:Nice to meet you.

A:Mr.Wang,I would like to introduce two very important people here at W&M Company.This is Miss Emily Hardy,who is in charge of marketir research,and this is Mr.David Brown, the assistant manager of the Sales Division.

B:It's nice to make your acquaintance.I hope you will givc me some help with my work.

职场小贴士:商务合作伙伴之间经常会相互介绍自己的同事给对方,当对方用Let me iniroduce you to the people in the office.为你引荐时,除了微笑和诚挚的握手外,你还应熟记基本的应答语,比如lt's a pleasure to meet you.或者lt's nice to make your acquaintance.(很高兴认识你.)


I have heard your name many times before,

I have heard agreat deal of you.

It's my pleasure to meet you.

I'd like you to meet my friend.

May I introduce Tom to you? He is from America.

May I know your name?

It's with great pleasure that I introduce Mr.Miller, the General Manager of ABC Company to you.


business running 经商
government employee 公务员
white-collar works 白领阶层
blue-collar works 蓝领阶层
occupational disease 职业病
middle class 中产阶级
career woman职业妇女
office girl 女职员
honor guest 贵宾
io Outstanding Young Men 十大杰出青年



  1.I’ll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.


  2. If the price is higher than that, we’d rather call the whole deal off.


  3. It’s absolutely out of the question for us to reduce our price to your level.


  4. We can’t accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.


  5. We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton F.O.B. London.


  6. Your counteroffer is too low and we can’t accept it.


  7. I’m afraid I don’t find your price petitive at all.


  8. If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion.


  9. Let’s have your counteroffer.


  10. Still, I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.


  11. We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept.


  12. Our offer is reasonable and realistic. It es in line with the prevailing market.


  A: Is Daisy there?

  Daisy 在吗?

  B: This is she.

  我就是。注: 男的用"This is he." 下同,不再解释


  You’re speaking/talking to her.


  This is Daisy.


  That’s me.



  A: May I speak to Mr. Gates?

  请问Gates 先生在吗?

  B: He’s not here right now.



  He’s out.


  He’s in a meeting right now.


  You’ve just missed him.


  He’s just stepped out.


  3.打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言

  A: Can I talk to Mark?

  我可以跟Mark 讲话吗?

  B: He’s out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message?

  他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?


  He’s not available right now. Can I take a message?

  他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?


  A: Do you know when he will be back?


  B: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

  抱歉, 我不知道。


  I have no idea.


  He should be back in 20 minutes.



  A: Do you have any idea where he is?


  B: Sorry. I don’t know.

  抱歉, 我不知道。


  He’s at work right now. Do you want his phone number?

  1 I\'ve e to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.


  2 You\'re going out of your way for us, I believe.


  3 It\'s just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient of you right now.


  4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.


  5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.


  6 Is there any way of ensuring we\'ll have enough time for our talks?


  7 So our evenings will be quite full then?


  8 We\'ll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.


  9 We\'d have to pare notes on what we\'ve discussed during the day.


  10 That\'ll put us both in the picture.


  11 Then we\'d have some ideas of what you\'ll be needing


  12 I can\'t say for certain off-hand.


  13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.


  14 It\'ll be easier for us to get down to facts then.


  15 But wouldn\'t you like to spend an extra day or two here?


  16 I\'m afraid that won\'t be possible,much as we\'d like to.


  17 We\'ve got to report back to the head office.


  18 Thank you for you cooperation.


  19 We\'ve arranged our schedule without any trouble.


  20 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it?





外贸常用商务英语口语大全   很多外贸新手要面临客户来访的事宜,其中语言工具问题也是困扰相当多的业务员。面对老外对话,听不懂,说不出是件很尴尬的事情,希望整理下来这些东西能够对外贸小伙伴有一定的帮助作用!    一、商务:   what time would be convenient for you?   你看什么时间比较方便?   I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.   我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。   Here is to our next project!   为我们下一个项目干杯!   would you please tell me when you are free?   请问你什么时候有空?   gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to concude some business with you。   很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。   what I care about is the quality of the goods.   我关心的是货物的质量。   please have a look at those samples.   请给我看一下那些样品。   I'd like to know any business connections abroad.   我想多了解一些你们公司。   I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.   我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。   can I have your price list?   你能给我价格单吗?   will you give us an indication of prices?   你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?   I am in charge of export business.   我负责出口生意。   I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods.   我正考虑向你们订货。   what about the prices?   那价格方面怎么样?   Let's call it a deal.   好,成交!   our product is the best seller.   我们的产品最畅销。   our product is really competitive in the word market.   我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。   our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad.   我们的产品行销海外许多地区。   It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise.   "重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。   I wish you success in your business transaction.   祝你生意兴隆。   I want to know your products.   我想了解一下你们的产品。   this is our latest development.   这是我们的新产品。   we have a wide selection of colors and designs.   我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。   the quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample.   质量必须与样品一样。    二、价格   I think we can strike a bargain with you if your prices are competitive.   我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。   Is that your quoted prices?   这是你方的价格吗?   It would be very difficult to come down with the price.   我们很难再降价了。   our prices are the most reasonable.   我们的价格是最合理的。   can you cut down the price for me?   你们可以降低价格吗?   we can offer you discount terms.   我们可以向你提供折扣。   Do you quote CIG or FOB?   你们报的是到岸价还是离岸价?   I can assure you our price is very favourable.   我可以保证我们的价格是优惠的。   Please give us your best price.   请给我们报最低价。   All the prices are on the FOB shanghai basis.   所有的价格都是上海港船上交货价。   Your prices are much too high for us to accept.   你的价格太高,我们不能接受。   I can't allow the price you ask for.   我不能同意你们要求的价格。   we can't cover our production cost at this price.   这个价格我们不能保本。   Are the price on the list firm offers?   报价单上的价格是实价吗?   This is the lowest possible price.   这是最低价了。   thank you for your inquiry.   感谢贵方询价。   How about the prices?   价格如何?   When quoting ,please state terms of payment and time of delivery.   贵方报价时,请说明付款条件和交货时间。   Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit.   我们的价格是很实际的,是根据合理的利润提出的。   If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample.   如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。    三、谈判与合同   Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit.   我们的价格是很实际的`,是根据合理的利润提出的。   If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample.   如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。   I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.   我很高兴我们的谈判获得圆满成功。   When shall we come to sign the contract?   我们什么时候签订合同?   Do you think it'stime to sign the ontract?   我想该签合同了吧?   Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement.   在正式签约之前,我们要重申一下协议的重点。   As some points concerning the contract have not yet been settled, negotiation has to be continued before the contract is signed.   由于合同某些问题尚未解决,所以在合同签署前仍需继续协商。   There are a few points which I'd like to ring up concerning the contract.   关于合同我想提出几点看法。   The seller should try to carry out the contract in time, if not, the buyer has the right to cancel the contact.   卖方应努力按规定履行合同,否则买方有权撤消合同。   No party who has signed the contract has the right to break it.   签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。   Once a contract is signed, it has legal effect.   合同一旦签署即具有法律效力。   We can get the contract finalized now.   现在我们可以签订合同了。   Have you any questions in regards to the contract?   关于合同你还有什么问题要问吗?    四、订货   When can we expect your confirmation of the order?   你什么时候能确定订单?   We want to order this article from you.   我们想订这种做。   What's the minimum quantity of an order for your goods?   你们订货的最低量是多少?   May I see your list?   我可以看一下你的货单吗?   We postponed an order.   我们推了订货。   Generally speaking,we can supply all kinds of goods.   一般来说,我们可以提供所有种类的货。   We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods the prices named.   已收到你方目录和价格表,现按所示价格购下列货物。   We find both quality and prices of your products satisfactory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply.   我们对你方产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄去试订单,请供应现货。   We are pleased to receive your order and confirm acceptance of it.   很高兴接到你方订单,并确认予以接受。   As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them as early as possible.   因为贵方订货的商品尚有存货,本公司将一定尽快发运。   I wonder if you could supply us with your latest products for regular orders.   我想知道你们是否能为我们的定期订单供应你们的最新产品。   Our prices depend on the quantity of your order.   我们的价格取决于你们订单的数量。   We could reduce our price by 5% if you place a substantial order with us.   如果你们订货量大的话,我们可以减价5%。   We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order.   我们坚决要求立即发货,否则我方将被迫取消订单。   We would prefer to confirm our order with your firm as soon as possinle.   我们想尽快向你们公司落实订单。   There is a change we have to make in the order.   订单中有一处需要修改。     五、运输   We require that transshipment be allowed.   我们要求允许转船。   When can you make shipment carefully?   你们什么时候装船?   We'll get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.   我们将按规定的时间发货。   When can you make the balance shipment?   你们何时可以发余下的货呢?   I wonder if you could ship the order as soon as possible?   不知道能否尽快装运订货?   Let's disscuss about the mode of transportation.   我们讨论一下运输方式吧。   What mode of transportation do you suggest we use?   你建议我们用什么运输方式呢?   What sort of delivery periods did you have in mind?   你所打算的是哪一种发货期?   Please ensure that we'll get right shipping documents before the arrival of the goods.   请确保在货物到达前我方可拿到正确的装船单据。   When can we collect the goods?   我们什么时候可以提货?   We can't advance the time of delivery.   我们无法将交货时间提前。   I'm very sorry for delay in delivery.   十分抱歉,交货拖延了。   How long does it take you to make delivery?   你们需要多长时间发货?    六、付款   Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C pauable by sight draft against presentaion of shipping documents.   我们的支付方式是不可撤消的信用证支付,凭装运单据见票。   Can you pay it on an installment basis?   你们这里可以分期付款吗?   Do you accept payment by installments?   你同意分期付款吗?   How would you like payment be made?   你们采取什么付款方式?   We expect payment in advance on first orders.   我们希望第一次订货要求预付货款。   What are your terms of payment?   你们的付款条件是什么?   We can't accept D/P or D/A. we insist on payment by L/C.   我们不接收付款交单或承兑交单,我们只收信用证。   Do you accept D/P payment terms.   你们接受付款交单这种方式吗?   What is the period of validity of this L/C?   这张信用证的有效期是多久?    七、投诉与索赔   The shipment is stuck in customs.   出货在海关受阻。   If you fail to make the shipment soon, we'll cancel the order.   如果你们不能近期发货,我们将取消订单。   I'd like to complain of the damaged goods.   我方由于货物被损向你方投诉。   We're sorry to say that we are dissatisfied with the state of the goods.   很遗憾,我们对商品状况不满。   Upon examination,we found the goods are not up to the standard of the sample.   经检验,我们发现货物达不到样品的标准。   The goods sent are inferior compared to the original sample.   所发送的货比原样品差。   How many are you short?   你们缺了多少?   Could you pleased send them back to us at our expense?   你能将受损的货品送还我们吗?运费由我方承担。   Who'll bear the freight?   运费由谁来承担?   We have a complaint about quality.   我们要起诉质量问题。   We have to file a claim on you.   我们不得不向贵方提出赔偿。   The goods you sent are not up to the standard.   你们发运来的货物不符合标准。   I don't think the responsibility should rest with us.   我认为责任不在我方。   We can only take on so much.   我们只能承受这么多。    八、税收   Paying tax is the duty of every citizen.   纳税是每个公民的义务。   How many types are taxes divided into?   税收可分为多少税种?   Income tax can be divided into personal incone tax and corporation income tax.   所得税可分为个人所得税和公司所得税。   The tax rate China is not very high.   中国的税收率不是很高。   What's the personal income tax rate?   个人所得税是多少?   Tax evasion is also a crime.   偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。   To avoid writing a receipt is a tax dodge.   不开invoice是一种偷税行为。   Those who evade tax will be punished by the law.   偷税漏税者将受到法律制裁。   Shall savings interest be taxed?   存款利息要纳税吗? ;