问题一:奥斯卡用英语怎么说? Oscar
问题二:奥斯卡的英文翻译是什么 Osca
问题三:第88届奥斯卡金像奖用英语怎么说 英文原文:
the Eighty-eighth Oscar Award
[e?] eighty-eighth [??sk?(r)] [??w??d]
[e?] eighty-eighth [??sk?r] [??w?rd]
问题四:奥斯卡用英文怎么拼? Oscar
说起奥斯卡奖, 就不能不先提到美国电影艺术与科学学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences). 这个机构成立于1927年, 致力于推动电影制造业向更高水平、更高质量、更高技术方面发展, 而为了表彰在这些领域做出杰出贡献的优秀人才, 将向他(她)们授予代表着电影业至高荣誉的Academy Awards(学院奖).
为此, 就必须先得创造一个能象征电影成就的奖座. 当时, MGM(米高梅电影公司)的艺术总监塞德里克?吉邦斯(Cedric Gibbons)负责设计了这个现在在全世界都知名的小雕像--一个手持宝剑站立在电影卷轴上的骑士! 而来自洛杉矶的雕塑家乔治?斯坦利(George Stanley)有幸的成为了这个小雕像的制作者.
这个高13.5英寸(早斯为10.25英寸), 重11磅(早期为6.75磅)的小雕像起初是由青铜做成的. 二战期间,由于资源匮乏, 改为用石膏制成. 而今天我们看到的小金人是由锡、铵合金磨光后,敷10K金箔,经过精磨,外面再敷24K金箔,最外层涂上发光漆而制成的.
本来电影艺术与科学学会将这个奖的正式名称叫做学院奖(Academy Awards), 但实际上世人对这个奖项的更多的认识却是对它的另一种称呼―奥斯卡奖(Oscars). 而对于为什么会把学院奖称之龚奥斯卡奖, 至今也没有一个准确的说法.
一个比较流行的说法是: 学会的一个名叫玛格丽特?赫丽克(Margaret Herrick)的图书馆管理员兼执行董事的女士认为小雕像很像她那名为奥斯卡(Oscar)的叔叔, 所以, 她就以此来称呼它. 之后, 学会内的人员都开始以奥斯卡来作为小雕像的昵称.
在1934年的第六届颁奖大会后, 好莱坞的专栏作家西德尼? 斯科尔斯基(Sidney Skolsky)在他那篇关于凯瑟琳?赫本(Katharine Hepburn)获得最佳女主角奖的文章中, 第一次公开使用了奥斯卡(Oscar)这个称谓.
到了1939年, 学会也认可了奥斯卡(Oscar)这个名字, 并且开始正式的使用它. 从此, 奥斯卡这个名字就延续了下来, 自至今天.
因此, 我们现在通常所称的奥斯卡奖(Oscars)实际上就是美国电影艺术与科学学会颁发的象征着电影业最高荣誉的学院奖(Academy Awards)的另一种习惯叫法而己.
问题五:奥斯卡最佳影片奖 英语怎么说 the Best Picture of Academy Award
Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖项)几个最熟悉的:)
the best Picture最佳影片奖
the best Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角
the best Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角
the best Actor in a Supporting Role最佳男配角
the best Actress in a Supporting Role最佳女配
问题六:“奥斯卡颁奖典礼”用英文怎么说 “奥斯卡颁奖典礼”
Oscar awards ceremony
Oscar awards ceremony
问题七:奥斯卡影后用英语怎么说 Oscar-winning actress
问题八:获奥斯卡最佳导演奖 用英语怎么说 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Academy Award winner for Achievement in directing
问题九:奥斯卡特别金像奖。用英语怎么说? 奥斯卡金像奖
Oscar Academy Awards
Oscar Special Academy Awards
Academy Award 美国电影艺术学会金像奖(又称“奥斯卡金像奖”)
问题十:奥斯卡各种奖项用英文怎么说??帮忙啊~ 奥斯卡奖项(the Award Category)
入围者 the Entrants
提名 Nomination
提名者 the Nominees
最佳影片 Best Motion Picture
最佳导演 Best Director
最佳男配角Best Supporting Actor
最佳女配角Best Supporting Actress
最佳外语片Best Foreign Film
最佳艺术指导Best Arts/Set Direction
最佳摄影Best Cinematography
最佳服装设计Best Costume Design
最佳视觉特效Best Visual Effects
最佳原创剧本Best Original Screenplay
最佳改编剧本Best Adapted Screenplay
最佳原创音乐Best Original Score
最佳原创歌曲Best Original Song
最佳剪接Best Film Editing
最佳音效Best Sound
最佳音效剪接Best Sound Editing
最佳化妆Best Make-up
最佳动画短片Best Animated Short Subject
最佳纪录长片Best Documentary Feature
最佳纪录短片Best Documentary Short Feature
最佳剧情短片Best Live Action Short Film
对于那些事业有成的电影人士还会授予特殊奖或荣誉奖 Special/Honorary Awards。
问题一:奥斯卡的英文翻译是什么 Osca
问题二:奥斯卡英文翻译!!・・??? Oscar
问题三:奥斯卡最佳影片奖 英语怎么说 the Best Picture of Academy Award
Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖项)几个最熟悉的:)
the best Picture最佳影片奖
the best Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角
the best Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角
the best Actor in a Supporting Role最佳男配角
the best Actress in a Supporting Role最佳女配
问题四:第88届奥斯卡金像奖用英语怎么说 英文原文:
the Eighty-eighth Oscar Award
[e?] eighty-eighth [??sk?(r)] [??w??d]
[e?] eighty-eighth [??sk?r] [??w?rd]
问题五:奥斯卡翻译 奥斯卡颁奖礼面临收视滑坡
Producers for Sunday's Oscars ceremony will be hoping that the show does not lose its status as the second most-watched TV event in the US behind the Super Bowl, after a strong showing by the Grammys.
The world's top film honours are in jeopardy of losing their status if the show can't lure more than 40 million viewers, which could be difficult.
Producers have brought back popular host Billy Crystal for laughs, but the best solution for a lively TV awards programme, sponsors at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences say, is a group of surprise winners or ones who give genuinely emotional or rousing acceptance speeches.
Be memorable, and you will be remembered, co-producer Don Mischer told nominees at a recent luncheon.
It is hard to forget 73-year-old Jack Palance doing one-arm push-ups on the Oscar stage after winning best supporting actor for 1991's City Slickers, or more recently the heartfelt speech by writers Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova of best song winner Falling Slowly from 2007 film, Once.
问题六:谁能提供奥斯卡各奖项的英语准确翻译 奥斯卡奖可分成就奖和特别奖。成就奖
问题七:英文dr.oscar怎么翻译 Dr Oscar.
Dr 是头衔:博士.
问题八:英语翻译(关于奥斯卡的) 绝大多数的奖项都设有最多五个提名候选人,这些候选人都是有美国电影学会各相关的专业委员会委员,通过无记名投票确定的。
问题九:急求一篇介绍奥斯卡的英文文章,附翻译 20分 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is a professional honorary organization posed of over 6,000 motion picture craft *** en and women.
The purposes of the Academy are to advance the arts and sciences of motion pictures; foster cooperation among creative leaders for cultural, educational and technological progress; recognize outstanding achievements; cooperate on technical research and improvement of methods and equipment; provide a mon forum and meeting ground for various branches and crafts; represent the viewpoint of actual creators of the motion picture; and foster educational activities between the professional munity and the public-at-large.
The Academy's field of activity does not include economic, labor or political matters.
The Academy was organized in May, 1927, as a non-profit corporation chartered under the laws of California. Its original 36 members included production executives and film luminaries of the time.
Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., was the first president. Others have been William deMille, M. C. Levee, Conrad Nagel, J. Theodore Reed, Frank Lloyd, Frank Capra, Walter Wanger, Bette Davis, Jean Hersholt, Charles Brackett, George Seaton, George Stevens, B. B. Kahane, Valentine Davies, Wendell Corey, Arthur Freed, Gregory Peck, Daniel Taradash, Walter Mirisch, Howard W. Koch, Fay Kanin, Gene Allen, Robert E. Wise, Richard Kahn, Karl Malden, Arthur Hiller, Robert Rehme and Frank Pierson.
From its founding until 1946, when it moved int......>>