《《 The Red and The Black(红与黑同人)》碣石潇湘》txt全集下载
《 The Red and The Black(红与黑同人)》碣石潇湘 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载: 内容预览:Preface About the Red and the Black《红与黑》的同人文我在很早之前就开始酝酿了,一直对这本书情有独钟,为此,我特意去了解了18世纪末到19世纪初的一段法国历史,包括法国思想启蒙运动,法国大革命,拿破仑的称霸和失败,波旁王朝复辟与之后爆发的七月革命。司汤达的《红与黑》本身就深刻揭露1830年七月革命前夕尖锐复杂的社会矛盾和阶级矛盾,查理十世倒行逆施,腐败的政治气氛下跟资产阶级勾结在一起的自由党和保皇党的斗争空前激烈,小说标题的“红”指红色军服,“黑”指教士的黑教服,代表当时以教会为代表的反动势力。司汤达因为受法国启蒙运动的影响,同时注意对人的性格和心理的研究,对此,我也查看了部分心理学作品。因为《红与黑》是一个时代的经典,小说也是一各社会的缩影,“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”,我并非考据派,但也非常希望自己的文章贴合原著的历史背景,力求原汁原味。《红与黑》的主人公Julien具有强烈的代表意味,Julien秉性高傲,富有反……
《The Crusades》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源
《The Crusades》(Tyerman, Christopher)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读 链接: 提取码:fco4 书名:The Crusades 作者:Tyerman, Christopher 出版社:Oxford University Press, USA 出版年份:2006-01-12 页数:184 pages 内容简介: Crusading fervour gripped Europe for over 200 years, creating one of the most extraordinary, vivid episodes in world history. Whether the Crusades are regarded as the most romantic of Christian expeditions, or the last of the barbarian invasions, they have fascinated generations ever since, and their legacy of ideas and imagery has resonated through the centuries, inspiring Hollywood movies and great works of literature. Even today, to invoke the Crusades is to stir deep cultural myths, assumptions and prejudices. Yet despite their powerful hold on our imaginations, our knowledge of them remains obscured an distorted by time. Were the Crusaders motivated by spiritual rewards, or by greed? Were the Crusades an experiment in European colonialism, or a manifestation of religious love? How were they organized and founded? With customary flair and originality, Christopher Tyerman picks his way through the many debates to present a clear and lively discussion of the Crusades; bringing together issues of colonialism, cultural exchange, economic exploitation, and the relationship between past and present.